We Know: the speakers and their expertise

Meetings mean business by providing the human connection that powers business growth.  Face to face meetings build trust, relationships and deepen employee retention.  According to the US Travel Association, “meetings and events drive business growth by fostering collaboration, idea-sharing and employee retention”.

Our Voices of Greatness will maximize the learning process by igniting passions commanding actions and driving results.  We have talented speakers, trainers, and consultants who are masters within their expertise.  This is only a Sampling of our strategic partners who want to work with you and your organization.

Call us and let us assist you in selecting the RIGHT person for your next event!

“Words can’t say how much we appreciated GSI’s support and tireless work on behalf of our company retreat. You listened to our hopes for this important meeting and you advised us every step of the way, thus we had a phenomenal success.”

Circle R Ranch

“The speakers we select through GSI have always met our expectations in adapting the right person with the different areas of people in our company.”

Walmart Stores, Inc.


JP Pawliw-Fry

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Thought Leader, Leadership, Performance and Change Expert


Marc Randolph

Entrepreneur Speaker, Netflix Cofounder, National Bestselling Author, Executive Mentor and Angel Investor


Tara Renze

Tara Renze is an author, keynote speaker, emotional intelligence & positive intelligence practitioner, podcaster, thought-leader, wife and mother.


Jade Simmons

Rockstar Concert Pianist, Activational Speaker, Author, & CEO of Jade Media Global


Jonathan Sprinkles

Jonathan Sprinkles is the author of 14 books (including two international bestsellers), a TV personality, celebrity business coach, and award-winning keynote speaker.


Michael Spehn

Unforgettable Keynotes That Empower, Entertain, and Educate Your Audience