You just found out your Vice President desires a professional speaker for your upcoming prestigious event.  You don’t have a clue where to begin so you network with your peers getting their suggestions and when you have exhausted your search, finally you call a speaker bureau.  You then have an in-depth discussion of what you are seeking along with the purpose of the meeting, the demographics of the group, budget requirements, etc.

The bureau works in tandem with you suggesting candidates along with their videos for your viewing.  Bingo!  You have found the perfect speaker, his message is right on target and you cannot wait to book him however, you realize there is a gap between his fee and your budget.  Now what?  Do you call your bureau and negotiate?  If not, then you should because 97% of the professional speakers will negotiate unless you are requesting a celebrity.

Have you ever negotiated with a speaker to see if he/she will be willing to consider your budget?  Yes, you have heard of fee integrity and that speakers do not negotiate.  Surprise… they do but you have to be willing to fill in that “gap” between their fee and your actual budget.  Most speakers I know are happy to collaborate with you but you must be willing to give up something of value.  Now what does that mean?  Here are several items that have worked for me in the past that maintain fee integrity:

  • Sell or purchase their products (tapes, books, workbooks)
  • Writing articles for your company’s magazines, newspapers, newsletters
  • Social media participation
  • Letters of endorsement focusing on the results the speaker presented
  • Pre-Post conference articles
  • Written referrals to peers
  • Dual bookings, i.e. several engagements for same organization
  • Make a professional video for the speaker
  • Distribute speakers materials during all tradeshows
  • If you send out materials, send speaker materials (pre-conference advertising)
  • Place speaker’s information on all of your websites
  • Have them sign books/photographs
  • Let their voice be on your main telephone line inviting them to the conference (scripted by you)
  • Welcome video on conference website
  • Barter…what do you have, that they may want
  • List of attendees with company names, phone numbers and emails
  • Host a forum or poolside chat with key decision makers/sponsors
  • Donate to their favorite charity

There was a situation where a speaker needed a new door because he was building a new home and he was presenting to a door manufacturer.  OR if you work for a pool company, a new pool or service for a year might be appropriate.  The list is endless but you have to be creative with your bureau to make it happen.  Keep in mind, the small boutique bureaus are willing to partner with you so you can get the best speaker for your conference AND make your speaker happy. This is the ultimate win-win situation.  However, the larger bureaus may not be willing to go that extra mile for you.